I attempted to "frag" the Jania Sp. - I tried traditional fragging by taking a cutting, but the small piece was difficult to handle without breaking.
I ended up intentionally crushing a few pieces with my fingers to disperse the coralline [spores?] around the tank. That method seems to have been a success, as at least one new specimen has started growing.
Vermatid snails and Nausithoe Sp. ("Hydroids") for size reference.
Personally, I don't mind the "hydroids" and I find Vermatids to be quite beneficial... They're great cleaners.
The baby snails are doing well, but I did lose quite a few by scraping the sidewalls and trimming macro algae. Some were disposed with the scraped algae, others fell into the sand.
The survival rate in the sand is probably low. They can't move very fast and end up burried... The ones that have survived are looking good. Ridges on their shells likely indicate some deficiency or similar water parameters issue, but the colors are looking really nice.