Macro that fish won't eat?


New member
Does anyone know if there is a macro out there nice enough for a display that my foxface won't eat? I don't have room in my sump for a fuge, or any room under my stand for a separate fuge set-up
Calcerous plants are your best bet, like halimeda, fan, shaving brush. Also grasilaria hayi is somewhat calcified, if you want a red option.
Thanks, I will try some of those. He has made short order of my dragons breath, red grape caulerpa, galaxaura, and my ruebens pink algaes. I thought as long as I kept nori in the tank for him and fed him well he might leave them alone, but no such luck
I had a similar experience with an Atlantic Blue Tang. They like the fresh stuff over the nori. Herbivorous fish have to eat a lot because they don't get a lot of nutrition from plants. You may want to consider growing a fast-growing caulerpa for your fox face to chow down on, either in the display or a separate tank. Good luck, and let us know how it works out!
I will give that a shot. Probably less expensive than the "groceries" I've already tried. My fear is that he will mow it down before it can grow since I don't have a separate tank to grow it in other than my display. LOL
That will be a challenge. You would need to get enough for it to get established and growing, before he eats it all. In my experience, that's a losing battle. Do you have a sump? Throw a cheap flood light over it and grow it in there.
Yeah, I have a sump, but it's pretty full with the filter sock, skimmer and power head. It's a 15g sump for a 60g tank