Macroalgae in Refugium

Hey BRAVE7012,

I don't think it is. I have a 20 gallon (long type) 'fuge with a layer of LR rubble at the bottom and no sand. I grow Chaetomorpah, a few types of Caulerpa, and a few other misc. algae. I have lots of 'pods and whatnot crawling around down there and IMO my tank is doing well.

For growing macro, it isn't. But I heard that various critters and worms burrow in the sand and that is where their larva grow and are expelled into the water.
Hi Kevin,
Without the DSB, does the whole refugium still work well in nutrient export as well as the general reduction of nitrates? How thick is your layer of LR rubble ?
Here's a picture of my refugium. My nitrates are always nearly zero and never greater than 5. I have no detectable phosphates which was a bit of a problem when the tank was young. This picture was taken right after my 'fuge was set up. The chaetomorpha and caulerpa grow very fast now. FWIW I do have a few algae in my display tank including penicillus, halimeda, and a few types of Caulerpa.
