Macroalgae- Mix or Not?


New member
I am planning a refugium. I will use macroalgae for nutrient export and also as a home for the pods. Is it best to pick one type of macro and use it exclusively or to have a variety of species together? I recently visited Inland Aquatics and their variety of macros tempts me to create an underwater garden with a bit of every type available. Is this a good idea?
Variety is good ;) Some systems seem to favor one type over another. A good way of being sure you have something that will work for your system is by starting out with a variety.
Variety all the way.
I have 4 kinds in my fuge now and have two diffferent ones enroute in the mail.
One good reason for variety is die off.
For example, I did have some red turf algae. It slowly kept getting smaller and smaller.
Now all I have left is a few measly strands.
Just didn't work in my tank.
MY feather has taken off though.
Thanks for your replies. I was leaning in the direction of variety but wanted more input. I have read a lot of good things about the spaghetti type macro and considered using it exclusively. Instead I will go with a mix. I already have 5 different types and can get more from local reefers. I may even drive over to Inland Aquatics for even more variety.

SeanT - I came across your thread on the tank(s) for the doctor's office. I have a idea and wanted your feedback. Do you think doctors, lawyers, etc would be interested in leasing a tank? I would supply the tank fully stocked and do all the maintenance. The doctor would pay a monthly fee.
Sure they would, if they want a tank in the lobby.
Just have to go in and ask.
Have all your numbers ready when you do though.