Anyone ever used this stuff below. I am trying to load the new refugium up with different types. This cam into today and the bag stunk to high h@ll and it was in a pinkish liquid. Throw it out or is this normal??
Red Agar ( Agardhelia ) is closely related to Gracillaria and a favorite food for many grazers. (Tang Candy) Attach it with a lettuce clip to the aquarium wall, or anchor in the subtrate and watch as your fish engage in a feeding frenzy. This algae may also be used as decor in aquariums without herbivorous fish or inverts. Fast growing macroalgae !!
Red Agar ( Agardhelia ) is closely related to Gracillaria and a favorite food for many grazers. (Tang Candy) Attach it with a lettuce clip to the aquarium wall, or anchor in the subtrate and watch as your fish engage in a feeding frenzy. This algae may also be used as decor in aquariums without herbivorous fish or inverts. Fast growing macroalgae !!