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Anyone ever used this stuff below. I am trying to load the new refugium up with different types. This cam into today and the bag stunk to high h@ll and it was in a pinkish liquid. Throw it out or is this normal??

Red Agar ( Agardhelia ) is closely related to Gracillaria and a favorite food for many grazers. (Tang Candy) Attach it with a lettuce clip to the aquarium wall, or anchor in the subtrate and watch as your fish engage in a feeding frenzy. This algae may also be used as decor in aquariums without herbivorous fish or inverts. Fast growing macroalgae !!
So how did it work out? I really want to try some of the interesting algae as there are some cool looking ones out there. Are you just looking for food sources, or something you can put in the tank? I want to find something safe to put in the main tank. I got used to my heavily planted freshwater tank and now that it is a saltwater tank I think it would look better with plants.
i am still undecided... I am using them in my fuge. I bought some mangroves, this red algea, and already had chaeto. My tang, one of three fish I have left, loves this stuff. I pinch him off a peice every now and then.

i guess if I had it to do over I would not have used it
I picked up five mangos, but one bit the dust already...others seem to be hanging in some cheato a couple of weekends ago and sees to be doing well....
Spend the money for a good light!!! I have had chaeto for years and it never did a thing. When i did my upgrade I picked up a nice LED light from Chris and now the stuff is growing like crazy.

My mangroves have grown about 2 inches in 2 weeks. They were below the water line when i first got them and wondered if they would make it. They shot up in the first couple of days and seem to be doing good.
My mangroves have grown about 2 inches in 2 weeks. They were below the water line when i first got them and wondered if they would make it. They shot up in the first couple of days and seem to be doing good.

Got any pictures of the mangroves?