mag 3 or 5?


New member
i will be replacing the mag 7 in my 10 gal sump because i am getting microbubbles, and i think it is because the return pump is too strong, so i am left with the decision. which one would you guys reccommend? 3 or 5?

i have supplemental flow in my tank so im not worried about that...
If you need less flow then install a tee with a ball valve and direct some of the water leaving the sump back to the sump. That is less flow going into you tank and you don't have to buy a new pump. Also the ball valve will give you more control.
but the idea here is i want to have less flow total through my sump... about 3-5x tank volume... i dont mind buying a new pump, but i dont want to get one that will be too strong or not even barely move water...