Magnet question


New member
I have about 1/2"-3/4" space from the sides of the tank to the walls, is this enough space to place the magnets for the 6100s or is it even enough to place the brackets? Thanks
hmm...i think the brackets just hang on the edge of the tank, not sure about the magnets thought, they look pretty also wondering about this
there are two size magnets
the big magnets are 9/16 - 5/8" thick.
the small magnet may be a tad smaller, i dont know. maybe someone with small magnets can chime in.
The magnets are the same physical size, about 5/8" thick. The bracket hangs off the outside of the tank about 1/2" but depending on the screws you use this could be more.
Hi, I plugged them in, WOW, the flow totally disperses within a foot or so but you can see the water movement throughout the tank!

A couple set backs though. There were two things missing. There was a small plastic piece used to attach the Streams to the side missing in one bag, and in the other one of the 1 5/7" plastic screws is missing. What should I do? I want to get the magnets anyway, if i do that, do i need these two pieces? Should I go through Premium aquatics or through Tunze if I need to get the plastic pieces?
Thanks Roger, btw, these Streams are SWEET!!! I'll probably go with the magnets, just two quick questions.

1)The magnet only takes up 1/2" exterally on the tank, right?

2) Are the magnets in stock with most major retailers right now?
I ordered pumps, controller, and magnets recently. The pumps and controller are still on back order but I got the magnets right away so I assume they are in stock. I believe they came from champion lighting.