Maidens Hair Q and Help


New member
Maidens Hair Q and help plz.
hi, i have some maidens hair algae in my 10g nano set-up.

here are my specs:

20lbs LS
16 lbs LR
1 AC500 Fuge
1 AC Mini Fuge
13watt cp over 500 on 12hrs/day
20% weekly water changes done
96 watt 50/50 coralife cp bulb,(put in a new one yesterday)


2 feather dusters
5 hermit crabs
2 astrae snails
1 peppermint shrimp
1 open brain
1 leather
1 speckled leather
1 long tentacle plate coral
1 candy cane frag
1 frogspawn coral

temp: 76-78 F
ph: 8.4
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 0
ammonia: 0
calcium: 430
salinity: 1.023

i dose once per/week with the following-

kent marine strontium & molybdenum - 2 drops
kent marine coral-vite - 2 drops
coralife Invertebrate Calcium Supplement 30 drops
kent marine micro vert - 15 drops (once every 3 days)

more info: tank running for 4 months, started adding corals about 2 months ago, maidens hair has been in the tank for 3 weeks now. it is placed right under where the AC500 returns the water back into the aquarium.

my problem: my maidens hair is turning white around the tips. anyone knwo whats wrong? if so, what can i do to help?


as of today i started to dose with kent marine Tech.I (iodine)
Hey WorldNation,

I'm not really sure what the problem is. I would think your setup should be perfect. Be careful not to overdo it with the iodine. Do you test your phosphates? If so, how are they? It's possible this alga needs some nitrates to thrive.

maybe that's new growth... i'm not an expert but i'm guessing. a lot of macros are very light colored on new growth, which would be the tips. do you think this may be a possibility?
I just got some maiden's hair, and I think the white parts are rotting... I have new growth and it looks really bright green.

Maybe some parts of your plant was exposed to air for prolonged periods before you even purchased it? I am not an expert so I am probably wrong.
TypeSH you jeanyus i didn't even think of that. sounds likely though. i know my caulerpas do that when exposed to air too long. good thinking.