Maintaining a bioless quarantine


New member
I am currently running a couple QT's with CP. All I have is a heater, powerhead and PVC attachments (for hiding places). I will be running CP for 30 days.

During the 30 CP days, what is the general recommendation for how often add ammonia detox product, and how often and large should I be doing waterchanges to ensure I never get a buildup of ammonia?
What I have done is use an AquaClear filter with a sponge and bio media that has been in my sump for a bit to get populated.
talking with HumbleFish, it seems that bacteria is a problem when running CP, so really need to rely on WC's and ammonia detox to keep ammonia at bay.

I think I am just going to do two 50% WC's per week and ammonia detox every other day. Seems like that will be sufficient. And then after the 30 days I will add a bacteria-enriched sponge filter (will seed it with bacteria-in-a-bottle and a raw shrimp in a small tank).
Use a seachem ammonia badge, or some other test to monitor ammonia and make sure it doesn't start creeping up.
I use 10% per day to keep ammonia at bay for 2-3 fish, every other day for 1 fish plus I vacumn up non eaten foods and poop daily.
Do Not rely on seachem ammonia badges.. they are terrible.. i tried 4 of em them and they never read ammonia when my api kit shows .5 or higher... i lost fish because of those god damn badges