Mako's 120 Tank Build Start to Finish (Photo intense)

Absolutely, with the exception of the Sump Closet which is pretty tight even for us old bi-peds. So its probably off-limits to you "High-rollers".

(But you can still "peek" in.)

Bring it!
Hey Marty, thanks for inviting me to see your thread. I was really wanting to see your tank room behind the wall. Looks great! I really like what you did. :thumbsup: Next time around, I'll have to borrow some of your ideas.

Thanks Mohri!

For those of you that don't know (or frankly care), I nabbed Mohri's canopy design off his 90.

I basically loved the white crown molding approach, and thought "BRILLIANT!" I then modified his plans for my own 120.

Note the comparison:

Here’s the Original model. Mohri’s 90, all the way from Idaho:


Here’s the next-generation model. My 120:

Marty, I only shared a pretty basic idea with you. You did lots of improvements, which I'm hoping to borrow for my next build.

Thanks again for sharing!

Very clean look man. Thanks for all the pictures. Im building my first stand so these pics definately gave me a look of what Im in for.
It's hard to believe, but I'm coming up on the One-Year anniversary! (8/8/08)

Here's a Front shot of the tank today, July 31st 2009:
