Mako's 120 Tank Build Start to Finish (Photo intense)

Geez Ty, give a guy a break. I've been workin'.

Now you'll have to wait, 'cause I just went on a glass anemone killin' mission in both tanks, scraped glass, vacuumed the upper bed crust and did 25 gallons worth of water changes. The tanks look less then happy with me right now.

Patiance my young Padawan.
if there is one thing I am not it is Patient! I'll give you a break. Ha!!! Take some time off. You mean to tell me that airlines don't take the Christmas Holidays off?
No... I gotta do some updates.

The tank is 'wantin' some lovin' these days. I need to upgrade a couple things and take some new shots. Thanks for asking though.

I'll update and advise.