
i dont think it is impossible for them to get it, but they have somekind of slimelayer that makes them extremely resistant to parasites

It also makes them taste bad to predators. However, they are extremely sensitive to copper, so if they *do* get ich or another parasite they have to be treated with great care.

Basically, if you get a mandarin that is fat and eating and you provide it with a good environment (plenty of pods/food and calm tankmates) they are simple to keep.
Mandarins would be the best aquarium fish if they would eat more, they are extremely volnuraable to most medications but there slime coat makes them undesireable to predators so they have grown acustomed to hiding from nothing and never gettign sick, but they can be picky, if they are eating other food and doing so rapidly then they ca fit into nano tanks as they do not grow overly large and are slow moving and docile.
Mandarin escapee

Mandarin escapee

My Mandarin obviously tried to make "the great escape", did not plan his escape route correctly and made it only as far as one of the overflows. Spent three weeks in there! Finally caught him last week none the worse for wear. Just as fat as he was to begin with!