Mangrove tank


What I'm doing: setting up a 60g cube with sea horses, zoa garden, and hopefully mangrove.

What I need: suggestions for a plant light specifically for the mangrove. Needs to be an LED and on the cheap side. Amazon is rampant with fake reviews so hopefully some others in the hobby can put in their two cents!

Extra information:
My condo only has 30 amps total, and I can't run an official chiller- which is why I need an LED (less energy and doesn't run hot). I have two other aquariums, so please don't say a metal halide won't be that much more energy, I really don't want to risk tripping the breaker all the time!

I'll be running an AI hydra 26, and I have a friend that is a mangrove expert that told me they prefer daylight/red lights, and to supplement the AIs with a plant light since the AIs will be more blue.

Thanks in advance!

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i've been using red light(plant grow light) on Mangrove in the sump and so far so good :)
The roots are growing well, can't wait to plant it in the display tank
Not sure how I didn't come across that article in my hours and hours of searching, but it has tons of good information, thanks. I'm also going to come to the meeting in June! I didn't really think about a local club being a thing but now that it's on my radar I'm going to attend!

I ended up getting a daylight LED (6500k) from amazon for 12 bucks. It is waterproof, and I noticed that Birch aquarium actually had the same style/brand on their shark tank (much much bigger wattage obviously). Figured waterproof would be nice since I have to spray down the leaves.


(this next part is off the topic of lights but still on mangroves, not sure if I should make a separate thread or if it matters since I'm the original poster- more of a RC stalker than poster)

Speaking of spraying down the leaves, I want to prevent mold growth on my wall behind the tank. I was thinking a thin sheet of acrylic, and then painting it to match the wall color? (The shiny finish would annoy me to no end) The paint would scrape off easily, but it's not like I'm going to be touching it.

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This sounds like a great tank!

Except maybe for the seahorses-from what I hear, they're much more challenging than regular fish, but maybe you're a seahorse expert. Mangroves need nutrients in the water, seahorses, not so much. Check out vlangel's thread.

I'm sure it's doable though. Good luck!