Mantis compatibility


New member
Hi all,

I read a lot that mantis shrimp are not good to keep in your tank, and should be rempoved. I am going on the assumption that this is mostly for reef tanks. I have a fish only tank with preditors, Triggers, Puffers, Green Morey Eel, Panther Grouper, Lionfish, Long Horn Cowfish. I am going to add live rock, and I understand that they are a fairly common hitch hiker. Since most of my fish would eat it given the chance, and are probably too big for the Mantis to try to take one, should I worry about it? And after some reading they sound like a very interesting creature, if I have nothing to worry about, I may add one if I dont get a hitch hiker Mantis. Thank you for any input on these interesting little creatures.

You probably don't need to worry with those fish! Most people that purposely have Mantis' have their own tank for them. It's called a species tank. Anything that goes in is intended for food for them.

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