mantis ID help


New member
i have a lil green mantis in my tank but he doesn't really match any of the pictures i've seen from other mantises...
the best i can describe him is that.... he's a smasher.. his
body is entirely a dark olive green color.. he's about 2 inches
in length.. he came in some fiji rock... he hides in a hole in my
live rock that he covers every nite.. and he has color on his
raptorial appendages like the smithii but they are light blue
in color... sorry i don't have a digital camera to show a pic..
The key to identifying this animal is probably the color of the meral spots. They are the depressions on the inside of the raptorial appendages. They almost always have a white border, but the center may be colored. When the animal is looking out of its cavity at you, if you move forward to the tank with your face, they will often threaten spreading the raptorial appendages revealing the meral spots. If you can desribe the color of the spots, I can probably give you an ID.
