Mantis in an Eclipse 6


New member
I'm planning on converting my office eclipse 6 to SW and getting some gulfview rock which I hear often comes with a mantis. I'm not opposed to just keeping hime in the 6, but then I would not add a fish or some other inverts.

If I go this route, an tips / suggestions on what to add / not add to the tank?? Corals?? Snails?? Others??

If you get a spearer snails and hermits would be fine. Corals will be fine with either type of mantis. That's a small tank though so you will have to be diligent with it so it doesn't crash, as all predators and messy eaters.
I have my mantis in a 6 gal Eclipse. It has been up for 6 months now. I got my smasher (probably neogonodactylus wennerae) from Tampa Bay rock. Same stuff essentially as Gulf View. If you want a mantis for sure, have them send you one with the rock. They are cheap, less that $10 last time I checked. Ask for a cool colored one.

You will probably be getting a N.W. if it comes from Florida. Do a search here for some pics. My mantis is safe with any of the big or heavy shelled snails, like large turbos and cerith snails. Any small snails and hermits he eats. Same with small crabs. I feed mine crayfish, which I have unlimited access to. I'll also feed him nassarius snails in the winter, when I'm too lazy to get crayfish.

Good luck.

S !
I had norman in an eclipse 6 and the stock filtration system. Nitrates got out of hand and I think it contributed to his demise.

Here's the thread:

Vids and discussion of norman

Pulling the stock filter out helped enormously but it was too late for the little guy.

It ran great for several months, perhaps 6 or so.
the system 6's work great for the little mantis(3-5 inches). as to the tank depends on what mantis your putting in there. i had an o. scylarus in one for a long time, he loved to kill fish and crabs but left snails alone. now that tank has a g mutatus in it and she kills everything but the fish. she even took out a chocolate chip starfish and ate it ...all of it. hehehe. also,youll probably want to get a breed that likes or can take warmer water because the 6's are tough to control temp on. and water quality must be watched carefully. thats how my o scy. died...nitrate poison. :(