mantis in refuge

i have a 20 gallon refuge set up to my 55 gallon my 1 inch and a half mantis should be fine in thier ?

That was not very coherent.


I have a 20 gallon refuge on my 55 gallon, and I was wondering if I could keep an 1-1/2" Mantis in there without problems.
If it was not very coherent then you would not have been able to understand it well enough to rephrase it. I don't know of any online forums in which being a spelling/grammar nazi is acceptable behavior.

I donââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t feel like this belongs in this post, but anyways, in response to steve.

OK, Mr. Linguist!

Well I donââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t believe I am a spelling/grammar nazi, (I feel like that is a little overboard) and I was simply trying to point out, that the clearer you are, the better the responses you will get, at least in my experience. If you donââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t put any effort into your posts, why should anybody put any effort into a response??

I was trying to give a little constructive criticism to a fellow RCââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢er.

If I were unable to discern what the post was regarding, I would have said that it is incomprehensible

Just because I said the post was not very coherent does not mean that it is beyond understanding.

I am sorry to hear that a grad student has such a loose grasp on the English language, especially one that claims to be somebody who studies linguistics.

I am also sorry that you feel like my behavior is unacceptable, darn.
I also hope reefrenots, does not take any offence to my suggestion.

coÃ"šÃ‚·herÃ"šÃ‚·ent [ kō hrənt ]
1. logically or aesthetically consistent: logically or aesthetically consistent and holding together as a harmonious or credible whole
2. speaking logically: able to speak clearly and logically
He was so confused and dazed he was barely coherent.

NaÃ"šÃ‚·zi [ ntsee, nátsee ]
1. follower of Hitler: a member of the German National Socialist Party that came to power under the leadership of Adolf Hitler in 1933 ( often used before a noun )
2. racist: somebody regarded as having right-wing political views, especially on race and immigration ( insult )
3. NaÃ"šÃ‚·zi or naÃ"šÃ‚·zi (plural naÃ"šÃ‚·zis) bossy person: somebody who is regarded as behaving in an authoritarian or dictatorial manner ( insult ) ( offensive in most contexts ) (thanks again steve)
KingT420 said:
I was trying to give a little constructive criticism to a fellow RCââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢er.
As was I. Please take it in the spirit in which it is offered. There is no need to get so upset. "Grammar/spelling nazi" is common net terminology for someone given to pointing out grammatical and/or spelling errors without otherwise contributing to a discussion.

One interesting aspect of language is that meanings depend heavily on context, and in the context of internet forums the term "grammar nazi" does not carry the extremely negative meanings normally attached to the word "nazi". If you have not been exposed to the term before then I can see how you would misunderstand it and think I was calling you names, so please accept my apology for not being clear enough and (unintentionally) implying something that I certainly did not mean to imply. How about "grammar police" instead?

Let me rephrase the whole thing: Given that the internet is worldwide and used by many people who do not speak English as a native language, and given that even among native speakers of English there is substantial dialectal variation--along with the fact that some have a greater command of written English than others for a wide variety of reasons--it is generally considered impolite to point out errors in a message that you can understand. If something about the message is unclear then it's best to ask questions. While you may believe that you are helping someone out, it is much more likely that the person to whom you are responding will find your "assistance" very insulting.

I hope that helps clarify my previous response.
I concur with Steve. If I can't make out someones post, I asked them to rephrase.

I donââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t feel like this belongs in this post,

Nor did your first comment.
Now, as to the original question-

I am also thinking of installing a Mantis in my 15 gallon refugium. This refugium has a deep sand bed, some live rock, and is intended to raise copepods and algae to feed the denizens of my main tank.

1. If I keep a generic mantis, will it eat the copepods or other small invertebrates if I feed it dead squid, shrimp, crawdads, various bivalves, etc?

2. what species live in sort of "lagoon" settings, with lots of sand, low current, etc?

3. to mantis' ever pop up in live sand?

Thanks for any help!
KingT420 said:
That was not very coherent.


I have a 20 gallon refuge on my 55 gallon, and I was wondering if I could keep an 1-1/2" Mantis in there without problems.

I think you are a insulting jerk and hope to never need your advice.God forbid you mispell something and my tank crash because of it.Really, try to get off of your pedestal.:rolleye1:
Sorry, mods but really@!!@
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Katara said:
I think you are a insulting jerk and hope to never need your advice.God forbid you mispell something and my tank crash because of it.Really, try to get off of your pedestal.:rolleye1:
Sorry, mods but really@!!@

You misspelled "mispell" which is so ironic it is funny. :lol: Lighten up Francis.

Anyway, R3man -

1 - A properly fed mantis will probably not inpact on your pod population, though it might eat a few. In fact, feeding the mantis will help feed the pods, which I feel most people underfeed anyway. Also keep in mind that snails are going to be food for a smasher; if you keep snails in your fuge they will be snacks.

2 - GonoD will probably answer this if he makes it past all of the hate. I'm guessing spearers though. Problem is that any mantis that lives in a sand habitat is going to dig like crazy, and that is no good for your fuge.

3 - No. If you are scooping live sand, it is pretty obvious when there are things bigger than a half inch in it, especially when they stab or smash. If you want a hitchhiker, your best bet is a N. Wennerae from Gulf View or TBS rock.


S !
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Lighten up Francis!!!!! what a great line...I am still laughing my *** off!

Love that movie
WildCatt88 over on made an order of rock, sand and mud from Gulf View recently. (I didn't know that they sold mud and sand) Anyways, apparently he got quite a few mantises in his order... I believe more than ten. Pretty funny because he's pretty fearful of them.

I think he found a few pistol shrimp as well.

I have a 20 gallon refuge on my 55 gallon, and I was wondering if I could keep an 1-1/2" Mantis in there without problems. --- grammer nazism at its finest... tsk tsk
Good thing this isn't a soup forum or we'd have someone called the "Soup Nazi". Now that is laugh out loud, knee-slappin' funny!
In regards to the original posters question - yes the mantis should be fine in the refugium just spot feed him a couple times a week. I have one in a CPR 12" aquafuge that hangs on the back of my 7 gal minibow and another that lives in a mangrove sump under my 75.
Yea, RC, I sure did! They don't sell mud, but he does sell LS. His LS is GREAT to mix with SD for a great DSB!

Most of the shrimps were in the mud. 10 full boxes, about 15 shrimp and crabs... Many little crabs that died in the trip...

I still have 2 mantis, 2 crabs, and 2 pistols (a pair believe it or not) in that tank. I have a crab and a pistol in my ref. And I have a crab left in the tank... (Of course these are the ones I know of...)
Let's keep on topic..........

The downside of putting a mantis, rogue crab, or any other unwanted critter in your refugium (or sump) is that it's still in the system. I used to dump crabs in my sump refugium. When I needed a piece of rock or rubble from the fuge I never knew if I was returning the pest to the main tank.
