Mantis Shrimp


New member
I have a Mantis that came in on my LR about three weeks ago. I caught him and put him in a small 1 gallon tank for now with regular water changes from the main tank. He has been in this tank for three weeks and appears to be doing well. HOWEVER, all that is in this tank is a small UGF and some LR rubble. I have not fed him anything as of yet because I am unsure what to feed him. I have placed some hermit crabs in this tank that were terrorizing my conch in my main tank and he has not touched them yet. Any suggestions to make sure he remains alive??? I would like to keep him healthy.

I feed mine silversides. Mine is a 'spearer' if yours is a smasher it will enjoy most crabs, shrimp, etc. If you really want it to stay alive buy an eclipse system 6. It is somewhat cheap and will work well. I love my mantis.
Freshwater dip of the LR that he was in. I couldn't find him at first so I ended up doing a freshwater dip on about half of the rock. About 10-20 seconds in fresh water and he came flying out..
