mantis shrimp????


New member
can anyone tell me if this is a baby mantis? I found him in my tank and dont know what he is. It is about 1/4 of an inch if even that. I have him in a glass of water now. I dont want to put it back in my reef if it is one. I keep my hands in the tank to much and one day he will get me when he gets bigger. anyone please help me.....
I couldn't even guess! Looks cool tho. Do you have a sump or something?
from what I could see I think it looks like a trigger or pistol shrimp.

mantis have front arms that look like a praying-mantis insect.

what I saw looked like one large claw and one small claw.

can you get some photos from other angles?
Does not look mantis to me either but it would be worth putting him into a little net breeder, the sump or something. Be interesting to see what he grows into.
Wow nice looking shrimp it looks like an anemone shrimp. It is transparent like an anemone shrimp.:)