Mantisville... population 1.


New member
More to come. Just to let everyone know, I got home from the sale and got all creative. Now I'm paying for it and will soon have Mantsville done!
9x8 1/2x12 overall. False backed, internal overflow, cheato section, carbon section, and return pump. All in a 2 1/2" wide space.
This is gonna be FUN!

The attack plan!
Now keep in mind I drew this up after helming a club yard sale all day. I began Mantisville at about 9PM.

All parts cut and laid out. measure 4 times, cut once....well, maby twice.
Mantisville will have a false back with overflow and filtration built in. Here's the back all drawn out on a piece of black acrylic.


Finnished and ready to accept a Tunze 106 (got at the sale!)

Here is the actual back. Its clear so I can take a peek inside incase anyone decides to make a break for it. The overflow is on the left and channels down and back up into the carbon filtration area. There it flows back down into the return section (to remove any bubbles). I think I'll have the cheato right in the overflow.


I have some more pics at home I'll post later.
I do believe i'll work some zoas into this tank!
Well, the day after I got Mantisville set up and put Bart (the mantis to live there) I find out that Dave had a large slasher. With a little greasing he gave me the nasty (I call him Hector) and into Mantisville Hector went. Oddly enough I haven't seen Bart since. But Hector's eating clam bits like their going out of style.
Those 90 degree clamps are awesome. Where did you get those?

I'll be starting on a 2 sectioned acryllic tank for my mantis soon. Basically a 20L size with a divider in the middle and an overflow running the entire length. His neighbor will be a green spotted puffer and a percula clown. The two of them get along well for some reason :)

The tank is awsome. One thing, I don't know if you've ever had a tank that small but you are going to have to do top offs every day if you don't have a lid. It gets annoying...

Greetings from Middle Tennessee!

Man, you've done a great job with that. We've gotta know where you got the 90 degree clamps from for sure. Good design on the cube too! I'd love to see some more close-up pictures of your return and pump. Also, what are you cutting the acrylic with?

I got the clamps at Lowe's of all places. Their over in the clamp section. I think their about $7 a piece. As for cutting. I use a carbide tipped 80 tooth blade. For a really smooth edge I use a table router. But for something like this thats a fun project I just go with a quick saw and pin's method for gluing.
Making themselves scarce. I had to remove the rock last time to see one. I'm hoping they get used to it and will come out for feedings. Maby even by hand!