March Meeting Notes


We had another great turnout for our March meeting. Thanks again to the Foster and Smith staff for everything.

Please remember to pay your membership dues if you have not already done so. The dues are $10 for the year. Also please get your email addresses over to either Bill or myself so you can be added to our club list.

Bill and Chris are working on obtaining a tax id number for the club.

If you have any ideas for a club logo please submit them to Bill or you can bring them with you to the next meeting where they will be voted on.

Dan announced that the photo album portion of the website is now up and running. Use the same username and password that you use for the forums. Any suggestions on the site should be forwarded to Dan and he will take care of that. Thank you once again Dan and Denise, the site is very impressive for being as new as it is.

Thank you to Kevin for giving an outstanding presentation on coral taxonomy. For those of you who were unable to make the March meeting look for part 2 of the presentation comming up at the May meeting. Thank you Kevin for taking the time to put this presentation together.

Those of you who missed bringing your refractometers to the meeting can bring them to the April meeting where they can be calibrated. Thank you Steve for taking the time to do this for us!

A thank you goes to the Aquarium Systems representative for taking the time to attend one of our meetings. We look forward to having you back!

We had a nice suprise with John donating some zoanthoids to raffle off as a door prize. Also the Aquarium Systems representative donated two buckets of Reef Crystals salt as additional door prizes. Thank you to both! Congratulations to the winners!

Due to unforseen circumstances, Kevin will be unable to attend our April meeting. As a result part 2 of his presentation will be given in May. Instead Steve and I will be giving an interactive demonstration on fragging.

Our next meeting will be held April 18th at 6:30 p.m. at the coral facility. I hope to see everyone there. Until then....happy reefing.