marine beta question


New member
hi im planning on getting a marine betta and i wil house it with blonde naso tang, regal tang, bicolor blenny, cleaner wrasse, and Nemateleotris decora. Is this a good choice? The tank will have a lot of corals too is thsi good
Marine Betta

Marine Betta

I have one in my reef as well as a friend. There have been no problems with either one. They are in the grouper family, fairly shy and tend to stay in the rockwork. They prefer prawn for food but will sometimes eat other things. If you really like them you can house more than one in the same tank. There are also 2 different types, one with random spots and one with a linear pattern. :) :)
Thats a good idea i will prolly house two of them. Though, will it be fine in my tank with these tangs and will it eat a bicolor and a wrasse. Also, can you gimme a link to where i can find these two marine betta species your talking about? Thx
Is this a good choice?

it can go either way. the surgeonfish will keep the betta hinding for extended periods. you'll probably only see the betta once the lights turn off. also, research the cleaner wrasse, you might want to considr omitting this from the final plan. lastly, i'd expect the purple firefish to not make it. it'll either jump out of the aquarium due to the surgeonfish or it'll hide in rockwork until starvation.

the "two species" is still argued amongst researchers. some believe 1 species with a slightly different color pattern according to locale, others believe it is age related, and still others believe it is a completely seperate, second species. i can't comment on this myself, but you may be best to try to acquire a pair rather than two seperate species.
