Marine plant /algae


New member
Looking for some help to try and get rid of this calceriouse algae ,my tank has been set up for about four months the rock work came from my previous tank I did have a few pieces of this algae but not to this extent it is now taking over .
My sps corals are doing fantastic and colours and growth that I am very happy with .Any help would be much appreciated


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If rock can be removed from tank, do so. Aggressively remove algae with coarse brush. I have used steel brush. Before putting rock back in tank, use hydrogen peroxide straight and brush infected area until all algae is removed. Wash off gunk and return rock to tank. This could be done in tank, but t would be diluted.
That is a rather interesting macroalgae. Hard to keep in most tanks but a plague in rare cases. Try searching "Neomeris Annulata" for other threads with people's experiences.
I can't help you but will paypal you for a rock with some on it :)
Many thanks for all the comments ,as I have many sps frags based out over the rock work it would be hard to remove and clean the rock .
Done quite a bit of reading and this type of algae is hard to keep long term ,decided to cut it flush with the rock and symphone out of the tank seems effective because what is left is white and seems to be dieing fingers crossed will keep post updated with progress