Marineland 180 issues


Checking to see who is or have had a issue with a 180.Makes me nervous to set up my new 180 after hearing some have had them to burst.Could that be more of a manufacturer issue or the buyer,stand not level or straight,or flooring where tank was setup was not level or saged after setting there for awhile.
Thanks.I am thinking it's more the buyers fault more than the manufacturers.I have my stand built and all items needed to change over to the new tank.It will be a couple more months when I do.
From what I understand, in order for a Marineland warranty to be valid the tank must be put on one of their stands not a home made one. Not sure if that helps or not.
Will be finishing my stand Friday and start setting up Monday.Stand is dead lvl,used counter top for the tank to sit on.
Thanks.Just when a few bad seams, it makes me nervous,but any tank will do that.

I know what you mean planning on setting up a 180 later this year and really like Marineland corner overflows, but after hearing about the tanks leaking and them not honoring warranties, make me not want to risk it. I wonder would renters insurance cover damage and replacement cost? Might have to give the insurance agent a call.
I have a Marineland 180 with the Black Silicone. I originally had a AGA 180 but it was chipped bad when it was delivered. Long story short, the LFS replaced it with a Marineland 180. I am still nervous about it but I just made sure that the iron stand I bought was perfectly level every way. The tank has been up for two years and I haven't noticed any separation between the panes...Hopefully it stays that way :fun4:
My lfs main display tank is a 180 Marineland. I may roll the dice and get one. I'm have them delivery it and make sure it's level. So there is no funny business, if something does go wrong.