Marineland Monterey Stands and Canopies


New member
Anyone have or seen the Marineland Monterey Stands or Canopies in person. They are marketed for the Deep Deminension series but I have inquired and they are available in a bunch of different sizes. I'm looking to upgrade to a 180 gallon or 220 gallon tank and I'm seriously thinking about getting this stand and canopy in the 72" x 24" model.

Any thoughts, pictures of your setups would be great.

I was told the additional sizes just recently became available. I did see the Montery setup at an LFS and plan on ordering mine soon in a 75. The stand has side access panels. The canopy has front door access and the front section of the canopy is hinged so it can be lifted and pushed back over the top.

The video on their site shows a pretty good video of the way the stand and canopy work.
i have the marineland 150 deep dimension with the monterey furniture and while it looks nice and it is well built, i do have a few things i dont like.

1. the stand is very short and doesnt allow much room for a skimmer underneath (less then 25 inches tall)
2. the hood while is nice with hinge and doors its way to narrow to hold metal halides. if you did try to put halides the lamp would be extremely close to the water.
VoltNation - Did you get the setup? I am looking at the 300 DD system and would love to get more feedback.
I have worked with a Monterey 90gal set up. Canopy and hood. The hood provides more room than most, but you can not fit Halides in there, but you can not in most. But the hinged doors on front are very nice and also the top has an opening for heat and the back, so I like that. The stand id not very tall, but not short either. Again I think it is good height. Better than short ones, btu you could not fit a HUGE skimmer in there but you could fit most average sized ones.

Overall I think the set up is well above average stands and this one would be one of my ideal ones. Sedona is the bad one for skimmers...
Here is my 300 DD setup