Marks on my Lamarcks angelfish


New member

Second attempt at figuring out what these are.

For a little background, from this post:

My Lamarcks angelfish has been in quarantine with all my other fish being treated for Ich.

I've had her for about 5 months and she has never shown any sign of ich, or any other disease. She was treated with the rest however, because I'm sure she might of had it where I wasn't seeing.

The treatment was 4 weeks of cupramine. She weathered it just fine with no issues.

At the end of the treatment of cupramine, I used carbon and water changes to remove the copper. A few days after I did this, the marks shown in the images started to appear on her, and on the tang.

I removed the carbon and cleaned the tank of all detritus I could, and have been doing frequent small water changes. Copper tests are near zero (and have been since I used carbon). The marks have since faded on the tang, but got larger on the Lamarck. They stopped about where they are now, and have not receded since.

Any idea what this is? Is it a sign of stress, or injury from her running into things? I'm antsy about returning her and the rest of the fish to the display until I know for sure.

Images are in the album.

EDIT: The marks I'm referring to are the pale patches just behind her eyes. They were never like that before. It looks like the scales are falling off.

I am now including better pictures. She has since been moved back to my display tank with the rest of the fish. She still swims in the open, doesn't seem to smash into rocks or anything, and eats regularly like a pig. Lots of nori and mysis, occasional pellets.

I have been feeding nori soaked with selcon for the last few weeks.

For just this first picture I added a red circle to make it clear what I'm worried about. She was fine for the first 5 months, then they appeared.


They are on both sides, pretty equally.

Very hard to see, it looks like the gill cover.
Ick does infect the gills, maybe some damage?
If she acts normal, eats normal, behaves normal, not concerned.
These pictures were taken whens he was being removed from quarantine after the ich was treated.

She never showed any signs of having ich, and the marks appeared after she was in the quarantine for about two months.

Thats the thing. She does act normal, she does behave normal, but the marks remain on her. And they did also appear on my tang in the same place/style, then they left the tang and haven't come back.

So its left me confused, to say the least!