Maroon colored VELVETY feeling algae ID. I need help

merle mitchell

New member
I have been a (failed) marine/reefer for 3 or 4 years. Almost from the very beginning, my rock work developed this maroon colored soft velvety feeling growth. It's not cyano, looks and acts nothing like dinoflagellats, and I cannot find any info on it looking at briopsys. It does not grow on the substrate at all. It will grow and cover coralline algae, smothering it. It will also cover power heads and other equipment, but does not grow on the glass. I've tried hypo salinity, Chemi Clean, and various algae treatments. It grows like a rug to a length of maybe 1/16th of an inch. Does not form bubbles and is not slimy. It cannot be removed from rocks or power heads with a stiff bristled brush (a finger nail or scraper has to be used). I'm ready to quit already.
Any help is very much appreciated I have a short video of the stuff on Youtube: Merle Mitchell "Odd velvety maroon algae" the only video I have since I don't post. (The quality of the video is about what you would expect from someone who is video challenged)

Thanks for reading, I hope there is some help out there somewhere.
Respectfully, Merle Mitchell
It seems manual removal only causes it to spread more. Have you tried lowering phosphates? If so what methods have you used? People seem to think Turbo's eat it well.
It seems manual removal only causes it to spread more. Have you tried lowering phosphates? If so what methods have you used? People seem to think Turbo's eat it well.

I've not had any luck at all with any cuc's eating it. Manual removal from the rocks is almost impossible. I was getting ready to use acid and bleach or just throw out the rocks and start over. I'm getting hopeful again.

I've used a "Phosorb" (seachem) product. To lower phosphates but didn't notice any difference. I think the LFS who sold me the initial setup, sold me rock from his maintenance business side, and I'm wondering just how old the rock really is. Perhaps it's turned into a sink for phosphates?
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I'm pretty positive this is it. Some reading to solve your problems.

Sweet! I'll be doing the reading starting right now! Thanks, I just finished the article. I will get some of these snails! If I have the luck of the author, I will be back at a starting point to reclaim my tank.

Thank you all very, very much for your help! I will let everyone know how it works out. With much respect, Merle.
Note that there is a dark red algae that seems to be a precursor of coralline, but it is very snug to the rocks, not puffy at all.
I had some of that red algae too, and it was the absolute worst!

Turbo snails are the only thing that saved me and my system from it. It would grow at an incredible rate even if you add massive amounts of GFO and carbon.

Get the turbos and be done with that menace.
I had it for many months until I added a scopas tang. The fish cleaned all my rocks within a week.
Do you have any herbivores?
I had it for many months until I added a scopas tang. The fish cleaned all my rocks within a week.
Do you have any herbivores?

Up until recently, I had a lawnmower blenny. Last week while having my daily staring contest with the fish it didn't take me long to see that he was gone. I looked everywhere but I can't find him. My skimmer has not had a "bump" in production or anything to indicate a death. I've also lost three- chromis and one - pajama cardinal. The cardinal got attacked by the other fish, lost its tail and most of its other fins and died. None of these were new additions. I know the chromis will kill each other off until there is only one left, which is where I am now.
Other then that, I have 3-black/white clowns, 1-banggi, 2 - more pajama cardinals, and one coral beauty angel. None of the fish listed above would touch this stuff.

When I moved in July, every coral, and about 7/8th of my clean up crew, including a huge brittle star (green) all died in transit. All of the corals were softies as I did not trust my tank (or my knowledge) enough to get any hard corals. In spite of being given, several chalice, montipora, a singulara, and six acans; I gave them to my friend at the LFS to find good homes. I had no wish to be their demise.
I have that same crap right now. I have a naso, sailfin, 2 foxface, 2 scribbled rabbits 2 yellow tangs AND a yellow eye Kole.

I just added carbon AND gfo in small doses, and today is the first day I feel like anything good went my way with it. I also added 10 Mexican turbos, and will be adding a bunch more in 2 weeks.