Active member
Hey everyone. We have a set day and time for this months MASLAC meeting. We're having it at Dave's house aka O2manyfish. Come look at his amazing 400 gallon can see what dedication he has to our hobby especially after his tank crash 2 years ago... it will be held on Saturday the may 9th and 4 pm. This meetings topic is water testing and parameters. We will be have a few members doing testing of members water. So bring your water sample and your own test kit to compare it to thiers. We will be having a potluck so everyone is asked to bring something to share. There's also a nice raffle we have lined up as well.
Meeting date and time. May 9th, 4 pm
Place; Dave's house (pm me for the address)
Meeting date and time. May 9th, 4 pm
Place; Dave's house (pm me for the address)