matrix/siporax vs carbon dosing for sps

I have 3 Brightwell Aquatics Xport NO3 dimpled bricks in my 120, lots of rock w some very large pieces and my high nitrates refuse to come down. I am somewhere around 50-60 ppm
I have 3 Brightwell Aquatics Xport NO3 dimpled bricks in my 120, lots of rock w some very large pieces and my high nitrates refuse to come down. I am somewhere around 50-60 ppm

Did you start your tank with the bricks or put them after. When did you put them in your system? Where was your nitrate then? You where higher and then drop to50-60 or nothing change. Iam not saying that my nitrates stays at 20-30.
My nitrates went from 20-30 to 100ppm in two months after adding 15 lit siporax pond. I will try big water changes because my coral suffer and leave the siporax for two months more... Its like a new nitrogen cycle to me...
The tank has been up since late January. Transferred the contents of a 60 gal and added more rock, fish, corals. Nitrates have always been very high and the bricks have been in my sump for 3 weeks. I do realize that it may be many weeks before I see any positive results.
My nitrates went from 20-30 to 100ppm in two months after adding 15 lit siporax pond. I will try big water changes because my coral suffer and leave the siporax for two months more... Its like a new nitrogen cycle to me...

how have you placed them? do they collect a lot of debrius?

when i placed mine, i had no cycle going from them, but try to add some bacteria and some carbon source of a sort (vsv or what ever you like to use), that really got my siporax going... i add a small amount off vsv each day now, to keep the siporax fueled along with some bacteria..

that aproach has ben verry effective with me. But it did take a month or 2 before i could really see it was working.
3 are stacked at the back corner of my sump and because of the dimples-facing down-there is not much detritus. I seeded them with Brightwell's Microbacter 7 and I dose with Aquaforest Pro Bio F every day.
All ill say is, if you are going to dose vodka I recommend doing it into a large sump that has enough skimming and live rock down stream for the excess bacteria to colonize.

Otherwise, if you dose it into your display directly and even verdo it slightly, you'll be left with a bunch of white fuzz (bacteria) that never goes away. It's made me regret vodka dosing - I have an oversized skimmer, high flow, and used filter socks and still had a display bloom and white fuzz a year after stopping.

Porous media + reactor + carbon source = one of the best nutrients control in reefing

This is my tank, no water changes, no skimmer, no light sump. A very small sump (10G but half filled) does all the filtration at almost no cost.

Give the bacteria a chance to show its capability, you will surprised


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