max # of streams


Hi there,

I had had a couple of questions.

was wondering what the max amount of streams you can run on one controller using multiple branch adapters is.

Also curious if I can run the apex adapter to a branch and then to multiple streams as well.

looking to run about 16-20 total.


I can only answer for our controllers, on a 7095 or 7096 you can use 2 branch adapters for a total of 8 pumps.

I have heard anecdotal accounts of using up to 4 for 16 pumps, however, this is not recommended, the signal can be weakened to a point that the pumps do not respond, this would be an at your own risk project.

For the Apex, I would not know, since the cabling is different it may taper faster or slower as it is spread to different pumps.
Ok that's about what I thought. I am running 8 now but wanted to double up them all.

So another controller would do it then?
Yes, that would work best, 2 controllers and 4 branch adapters would get you to 16 pumps.