maxi jet mod

Hey chris i have 2 1200 modded they do work/modded properly i believe that u cant get anything for that price with that much flow.
As far as having one not used sorry.
gasman, i was thinking about using one in a 30 gal cube, about 18x18x 17 roughly.

do you think it is too much flow if i positioned one in the back of my tank pointing straight down? just worried itll splash water around all the way to the top.
It may very well do that /meaning the splashing/ it def has to b a bare bottom. try the medium flow kit.
I have both the mdeium and large kits and they are both very strong. They are strong enough to push water out of the tank if not careful. They also stir up my sandbed a whole lot. I think they are too strong for my 90G.