maxima macro


love the pretty sticks
Premium Member
Just wanted to share this macro with you guys and want everyone else to share some too. I took this a few minutes ago


here's one from the display tank at the lfs- where i'll be going today to buy a clam :D

my tank is 100g with 2x175 10k ushios, 2x96 ultra actinics, 30g sump w/southbay skimmer, roughly 100 pounds lr, 4-5" dsb, well stocked with fish, including 3 small (3" or less) tangs: purple, sailfin, convict, pair of fire shrimp, several lps, one small acro etc.
params all seem to be good, all the corals and such are growing well, clowns are spawning... time for a clam i think!
i like the ushios a lot, but then i've never owned mh lights before so i don't have anything to compare them to. they put off a pretty yellow light so for me the actinics were crucial.
as for heat- not nearly as much of an issue as i expected from everything i've heard. i had a canopy made that is 12" tall with an open back and i installed two fans but am only using one. the temperature goes from 80.1 in the morning to about 80.5 mid-day- that's ok right?
i used to run 4x96 pc's and from what i've seen so far they put off a lot more heat than the mh lights. different canopy though.
I'm a newbie to MH too. Temp sounds great to me. :cool: I think your Ushio's will be less yellow soon. Mine aren't yellow at all, but were at first, and became whiter over time. :)
interesting that they change color with age.
so- i gradually increased the hours per day with the mh's from 2 to 8 over about 3 weeks. today is the fourth full day and guess what? i just checked the temp and it's 81.3! nearly one full degree hotter than any of the previous days. i hooked up the second fan so we'll see how it goes. it's raining and therefore a lot more humid than normal but this is wierd.

That is no big deal at all. I have a chiller, and I have it set at a two degree differential, so my heat actually goes from 79 to 81. You have nothing at all to worry about with a 1 degree differential. By the way, your pictures are just stunning!!

thanks Scott- i don't want to overdo the fans and have to be topping off with freshwater every ten minutes :p
Keep an eye on your ambient temperature where the tank is. Without an AC in the room, the ambient temp. can quickly rise, and might not get dissipated causing the tank temp to rise. What this meant for me was turning the house heat down a bit, I had it set for like 74 or 75 f. :p Also my tank with MH are in the same room as the thermostat.