maximum light for shrooms?


New member
was wondering... is there a maximum in terms of light on a mushroom?

i recently purchased a rock with shrooms and placed it high up in my tank...

to be exact
arnd 6 inches below water...

light 4 inches away from the water
and is just 2 t5's 54w and 1 36w actinic

my shrooms dont want to expand

water params are ok...

since they didnt open... did a water change too...

still nothing....

from a 1 1/2 inch diameter when i got them...
its at 1/2 inch diameter now...

I have my rics under power compacts and they are fine. They came from a fellow Rc'er that had them under halides. It took them about 2 weeks to open but they are wide open now. I would suggest giving them time to adjust.
