Maxwells reef video June 2016

I am awaiting the coral will see what it looks like in the flesh in my tank the guy says its a deep pink (which could be brown ).I tried to order these last night the payment went through to paypal but the supplier now say their system had some problems and the order didnt go through so i missed out so im back on the look out.Have some large frags to send back to the guy with the lemonade?.

1/acro blue shortcake
2/ rainbow spath
3/ bali reverse
4/ rainbow acro

A quick update after several issues and some house keeping a few FTS from last night. The shops in the UK have not had any new stock in for ages but im told some on the way middle of Oct so trying to trim things and move corals about in case we get some nice aussie corals in .


Night time fluoro shots

Night time fluoro shots

For people that like picture these are taken under blues using a nikon d7000 standard lens high ISO and 3.5f i used a brown filter ( acrylic film nothing special) it removes the blue spike and shows the coral fluorescence not every bodies cup of tea but i do it now and again to see how the corals are doing




A quick update on my tank after all my issues hopefully resolved

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I read "issues".
I see this pictures.
I look at my tank and think, how would then call it?
Your tank looks amazing. Congratulations man.
YEAH I should re phrase that, issues with lighting and equipment one after the other.I lost some colour due to losing the lights then the calc reactor packed up it takes time to come back.I had every thing running great and the corals at there best but always something happens in this hobby.
Thanks, i have had to trim both sides and cut back the large forest fire in upper rock work as it was taking over and covering lots of corals i now have a frag tank full which i am sending out this week to lfs.I will post some pics up later as my computer has packed additions 2 helfricis a deswali and yellow sps on the ledges.I ordered 2 from germany and they came browned out and look rubbish to me the guy says give em 2 weeks more like 2 years .
I will post pics when PC sorted see what you think
It's an ongoing job I can now see the 2 ssc frags i put on the top shelf just under the histerix and they are a good size with nice colour.I managed to get the red dragon out of the middle and cut in half .I am getting a par meter in this week to see how the levels are.
Thanks Bill
Any idea on what strontium usage would be as i had an icp test last month and added the recommendations I had another done last week and a couple of minor additions with the exception of strontium which says I need to add 350 is ml over 3 days which seems a lot in a month.
I have put it in and so far so good no bad effects I have yet to add the 1 ml of zinc per week but might leave that .I will post the icp results later as lots people chase numbers. I have pulled 3 colonies out 2 on the frag rack at the side but it still looks full and my sunset milli frag is showing good growth and I thought it would be slow also my bali sc.are frag is showing a bit colour no red skin yet but green hue changing.