Maxwells reef video June 2016

Thanks, I have no idea what his camera settings were as I have just picked the mag up and I could have taken better pics and video with my Nikon d7000 on manual settings ,id seen his previous shots and I asked him what equipment he was using and that I hoped his pics were better than mine. But I could not have put the video and sound
A quick question has anybody heard of a australian ultra pink lemonade acro and got any images . I have seen one on line over here in the uk and it looks photo shopped before I order one and get ripped off again.
A quick update on how the KH Guardian has been performing over the last 7 days showing an average of 7.37KH and the amounts being dosed ,pics taken at 8.30 am today.
7 day graph showing the average

amount being dosed

size of tank and amount being dosed

Update pic after trimming

Hi Ucantwin
The PH is 8.05 @ 6,00pm and in the morning at 8.00am its 7.96 it is monitored with an aquamedic computer. The KH @ 6.00pm is 8.10 and is kept stable using the KH guardian . I have to keep an eye on the calc/mg and supplement as and when with a doser over night now using ATI essentials (last few weeks ) I will get another icp test done in the next few weeks and follow recommendations .
Thanks its seeing the benefit of thinning out ive got the top to do yet but I will take it slowly so not to make a b***s of it. Its showing the best colours for ages I have been here before then equipment failures set it back so I'm trying to keep on top of it.Hope you and Andrews tanks are doing well .
Looking great Bill!
What’s the acro slightly right of centre, just above the big frogspawn?
Looks echinata ish..
Hi Matt
The large echinata is wild blue tip then to the right there are a few small frag pieces then the 3 in line front to back. I don't do fancy names only shapes and colours.

front - suharsonoi
middle - gemifera
back - granulosa

A couple of nice pieces to the left with daft names I will post a pic of one.