Maxwells reef video June 2016

Corals are looking monstrous! And beautiful.
Beauty and the beast right there!
I really like those Orphek panels.. very nice.
Just split the grape coral as it was touching the glass and added last of frags and a shelf with a Crayola flower table (plana) not sure its in the right place but its in.

Hi Bill
Tank looks amazing .
Can you comment more on Atlantik V4 .
I have 72"-36" -24" tank and currently using 10 T5 with Mitras LED bars and looking to jump into LEDs technology . Based on my size i was looking into Radions G4 and i need at least 6 units to cover my 95% SPS tank do you think with Atlantik i can get away with 4 and i get full coverage from front to back?
Thank you


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I have 2 x V3 across the front and a V4 converted to V3 spectrum to match plus a radion g3 on the back and my tank is only 54 x 30 x 30 , my honest opinion is no you would need 6 ( if its 36''W) if it was me and how would you hang them???.I don't like radions but that's just my personal preference and for your tank either V3,V3+ or V4 which have a different spectrum so it would need research.
Hey Bill. I really like the new orphek lights.
Just wondering, how is the user interface for programming spectrums and intensities etc..
I’m familiar with Ecotech and AI which are both pretty simple and user friendly.. how does orphek compare?
I’d consider these leds somewhere down the road..
The V4 interface is dead simple , 4 channels with some preset ones a quick start one were you can play about with sliders for each channel for pics etc and get the best settings for colours so you can customise your own.I would download the app and have a play. I wanted the V4's but had an issue with the one they sent as the spectrum was different to the front 2,they let me return it and custom made a v4 with the v3 spectrum in white for me so they all match. You need to see a v4 on a tank before considering as I thought the spectrum was not what I wanted. The V4 are very powerful with 90 degree lenses for deep tanks in my opinion, they are also bulky to mount as they only have hanging kits but I managed to mount 2 inline on DD rails. BRS have reviewed them
I have 2 x V3 across the front and a V4 converted to V3 spectrum to match plus a radion g3 on the back and my tank is only 54 x 30 x 30 , my honest opinion is no you would need 6 ( if its 36''W) if it was me and how would you hang them???.I don't like radions but that's just my personal preference and for your tank either V3,V3+ or V4 which have a different spectrum so it would need research.

Thank you for honest replay.yes, 36" W ,my plan is to mount them this way
will this position can cover front to back?

Thank you again for feedback
I think mounting them that way you would struggle to get full coverage as they are approx. 22'' long and approx. 9'' wide. I had a similar problem because my tank is 30'' wide and still think I need to change the radion to a orphek .I tried all sorts of leds and the biggest challenge was getting it something like.
Then i would probably need 6 panel's :((
Wow, kinda expensive .
Do you mount them individually or using some kinda rack like Radions ?

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