May 18th Meeting


Moved On
Sunday May 18th from 1:00pm to 4:00pm
Potluck Lunch and "Spring Cleaning"

Lakes Park
7330 Gladiolus Dr
Fort Myers, FL 33908-5118
Shelter D-1

If you plan to sell items the Tables for SWFMAS Paid Members will be free, all others the table charge will be $5.00. Please NO LIVESTOCK!!!! One of the parks rules, not ours!

All dry goods & equipment, if it is a large item, please bring photos and coordinate pickup after the event.

If everyone would sign up with me to bring a plate.( or pm on club will be purchasing hamburgers, hot dogs, and some chicken and providing cups, napkins, plates & utensils. We will be in need of Side Dishes, Desserts, soda/water/juice, ice, condiments.

SWFMAS would also like someone/multiple people to volunteer to BBQ that day.

Also need to know how many people are coming...

We will be in Shelter D-1, which is near the playground, and close to the water feature. There is a parking fee, which is payable at designated parking spots in each parking lot. Maximum parking fee is $5.00 for the day.

Park Brochure for more information.

I look forward to seeing everyone there!