May Meeting


New member
The May meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 10 at 7PM at the Newark Library. Is anyone interested in giving a presentation this month? Don't be shy, now, we don't bite :D Thanks - Mary
I could give a presentation on my life. That's my hatchday!

Hmmm, I might be able to give a "Save The Feather Dusters" presentation. Save them from the LFS! I have four now. ~bites lip~

I dunno.
Well I might be able to work up something if I get a few more BTAs this week. But I'll let you all know by this weekend if I can.
Cool, that would be great to see! If not I think I can come up with something... I haven't presented in 2yrs so I guess I could take a turn....
Well I have a rose and 2 GBTAs coming in tomorrow. But the drawback is I just got my first job and I will be working on wed as far as I know :( I'm sorry guys, maybe June then? I can see about having the meeting at my house possibly if we don't have a place for the summer? Sorry again!
Chris, We look forward to your future presentation. but in the meantime, you can gain some more expertise with the new BTA's, make some more observations and take some notes and it will be even better.

Hey, in the meantime, to round out the meeting topics, i could do a ten minute crash course on tank construction with Plexi or how to build and set up a plenum. easy stuff to do. short and sweet.

or perhaps a real short demo of a DIY flourescing blue cold cathode moon light set i have, not yet installed. so i can bring it in and plug it in. I got the idea from GEBC, my mentor. he has a similar set on his tank. and the best part is they dont cost too much. but they work really nice. better than LED's . I think.

Any preferences???
Plexi! Plexi! I was trying to cut some a few weeks ago, and I can't even get past that part! Demos = good. I was thinking about doing a little presentation on lighting basics/background (since that's what I get paid to do all day :) ) and discuss some of Sanjay Joshi's bulb tests. A lot of you have probably seen this stuff already, so maybe I'll save it for a rainy (speakerless) day... We're holding you to your offer, Chris ;) , but you might get off easy until Sept. We're going to play the summer meetings by ear and see what the interest level is, maybe try to do another tank tour and a BBQ or two. Thanks, all.
Ok, Plexi is easy. I've got some stuff Ive made to bring in plus the tools and glue. but that wont take too long.

I didn't know you were a light expert Mary. Oh you work with lasers? cool!!. I always enjoy going thru SanJay's test data so I would like to hear your interpretations on light too . can you do some too?
I'd love to know how to do some work with plexi - I'm w/ Tbor - I can't figure out a good way to cut it - and then you have to have a good edge to seal it - so the cutting is key - it would be nice to see it first hand.

I was at In Living Color in NJ this weekend and they have two of the "infinite" edge tanks, where the water comes over all sides - 3/4" acrylic and barely any bubbles in the seams - some really nice work - it would be really cool to see how to accomplish something so beautiful!
Sure, Ken, I'll bring my presentation along. But don't underestimate how slow some of us may be in learning to work with plexi...:p We may never get to it!
That works too! Pardon my confusion, I'm going crazy... :D We can play it by ear, I think people are more excited about the hands-on demo tho...
Plexi tonight it is!!

and my funny little blue moon light too!! I'll bring a couple glow in the dark corals and see if we can light them up!!

and some raffle stuff too. I got some tickets from Marty this week.

Oofdah!! lots to pack and carry...
Great DIY plexi demo, Ken! Cool stuff... now maybe I'll finally make that sump for my teeny little tank...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7344235#post7344235 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kaptken
Heu Chris, did yous guys move and leave the built in tanks behind?

NO!!! we are still in the same place but since the whether has gotten warmer were are painting the outside now(hopefully that will be done next week) then i will be putting a 25'x30' deck on the back then new windows(once the windows are in im alowed another tank,seahorse' :) ) then if its still warm a pond.
i just thought about it and it been almost 2 years since we got the house (still seems new). but i guarantee you the house is old:)
Oh, That's good!!

yup. it's late spring. lots to do outside. I just took down a 50 foot sweet gum tree last week out back. had to go . it keeps dropping them dingle balls all over the yard. right where i want to dig my new pond. I tore down the old above ground pool a couple weeks back. now i can start digging the hole. i got a bunch of koi in a 110 tub right now looking for a new home. I better get to diggin.

Yous guys better get busy too. theres lots of poor homeless sea horses out there lookin for a mommy and daddy to take care of them.

hey you might have to build the GEBC auto sea horse feeder...