MCMAC get together on third week end of July 2009..

Ed Hahn

New member
This year Mid-Columbia Saltwater Marine Aquarium Conference will be held on July 17and 18th in the Tri-Cities, Washington. As of now there are two guest speakers. The two confirmed Guest Speakers are Bob Fenner and James Fartheree.
This is the meeting that brings as many clubs together as possible. In the past we have had people from Portland, Seattle, Spokane,Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Canada, Hawaii. We want to grow even more. The goal is to build a good foundation with other Reef Clubs. You do not have to belong to a Reef Club to participate. This is a non-profit organization money goes right back to support and educate hobbyist so there are fewer losses. .
The event usually has a coral auction, a raffle, Tank Tour, A few get togethers with food. Again the goal is for everyone to have the best time and walk away with something, be it a memory, a education from a expert, a coral, a clam, or a piece of equpment. Lets build a memory Again in 2009!!:rollface:

If you would like more information email me

thanks in advance,
Ed Hahn:rollface:
Ok, someone said whats the difference.

Here is the difference.

You buy a ticket for a event. That ticket provides you food at Barbeque on Friday night with drinks with usually 100 plus people. Saltwater Aquarium Hobbyist are the most friendly people on the planet! So you get a chance to talk with experts in a comfortable environment. Then you get up in Morning and meet for(ticket) Breakfast, Do a Tank tour of local saltwater aquariums.
Then you meet later for presentations by experts, Then a raffle from Sponsors, A Coral auction, and you are fed another meal.
All in efforts to bring everyone together at one Place in the WEST!
Its two days of Reef Holiday for those that love our Hobby! People spend all year planning this event to make it as easy and as enjoyable as possible. I am not sure of order of events. But that has been past practice. Its worked so well in the past I doubt it will change. Tickets will be available Mid March.
Now there are three Guest Speakers.

Bob Fenner, James Farheree and Jake Adams.

Kevin Pockell will be there and possibly Adelaide Rhoads. I spoke with Adelaid Rhoads last week end at a tank tour in Seattle.

We are doing our best to bring everyone together in the West!
Another Guest Speaker for MCMAC on July 17 and 18, 2009 in Tri-Cities, Wa.

That speaker will be Matt Pederson from MOFIB.
His talk will be around Marine Ornamental fish and Invertebrates Breeding.

Make your plans now to attend in Tri-Cities, Wa.

if you would like more information email me at

thanks in advance,
Ed Hahn

Barbeque/Party on Friday
with food provided by local club in Potluck style for visitors
one presentation from a Guest Speaker.

Saturday Morning, meet for provided breakfast, then tank tour, then 3 other presentations from 3 Guest Speakers in a Movie theater.

Then fed again very good in Two large Conference rooms where raffle, clam and coral auction will take place.

Its not a MASNA, its not a IMAC but we are showing that there is a need for something to happen in the West! We are doing our best to bring everyone together at one Place in the West! goes to a Montgomery County Model Airplane Club. :confused:

What is the specific address? People will want to know. What does it cost to attend?
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Thank you Steven and Marc for bump.

There is one change.
Matt Pederson will not be doing MOFIB presentation.
Matt will do a presentation of his own.

Thanks for making this such a fun place. Lots happening right now to prepare for this.
Thanks Ed. If you create a new graphic that removes MOFIB, I'll include that one in the May issue. The graphic should be 600 pixels wide, if you want your artist to resize it. :)
I communicated with Graphic Designer today. I will try to get it to you asap. thanks again for your support.
I communicated with Graphic Designer today. I will try to get it to you asap. thanks again for your support.
Ed, I replied a couple of days ago. Can I get a graphic that is 600 pixels wide in JPG format please? I can't use PDF.
Hello Marc.
I will bump my graphics designer again. He is Boise this week end. I will get back to you as soon as I can get a hold of him. I am sorry for delay.

Thank you for patience,
Hello Marc.
I will bump my graphics designer again. He is Boise this week end. I will get back to you as soon as I can get a hold of him. I am sorry for delay.

Thank you for patience,
Ok, Marc. He is here right now. He is asking if you want in 72DPI. He put it in 300 DPI so you could do what you wanted in in it with good quality. He can change it to JPeg format also.
What about IMAC West?

What about IMAC West?

All I know is that I'm going to IMAC West

JULY 31~AUGUST 2, 2009

It's on the Queen Mary in Long Beach, CA

The speaker list is going to be fantastic!!

Oddles of exhibitor booths:

I had been bummed that I could not afford to go to Colorado when IMac was there, so I'm soooo glad it's come to California.

I can't wait!!!

My tank is going to love all the info I sponge up listening to all those speakers. If it is 1/2 as good as I hope it will be a great vacation. I love LA because there are so many things to do besides the conference.

Check out the menu for the banquet!

I bought a full conference pass because I want to experience it all.


Hope to see some of you there.
