Measurement of Data


New member
Am I doing something not right?

I can only save and measure data when the PC is connected to the controller.
Doesn't it store data even without the PC connected?

Mine save data all the time, up to the limit set. I logon and read it into a dated data file. Once you "read" the data, it's gone. It's in the file you read it into. It's best to clear it and start a new file.

You can save it all in an Exel file if you need to.
Fishie Nut:

I tried every which way to display a graph in Excel. Do you have any tips on how to get a 4 channel graph to display in excel using the imported data from the profilux? I will admit to being a bit Excel challenged.
Jeff, sorry for the delay. I've not been looking.

I make a page in excel with Date, Time and e.g. Temp, or pH or Redox and I have three separate graphs. I just started to keep a running log on Excel.

If you do them together, it is difficult because the scales are so different. If you have 8-8.4 on one axis, on the same axis you must have 350-400, or even 78-80 and it just doesn't look good or is difficult to read.

Try making a page (sheet) for each, with DATE, TIME, Measurement. and then graph it.

I just copy the text file that Profilux makes and past it into the Excel worksheet at the bottom of the last entry. This gives me a running total. Then I past the individual data onto its particular page.