Its pretty much Rod's Food with my own additions and changes. I think he and I read the same recipes a while back (Moe, et al). I have been making it for 10 years more or less and as I discover new things I add them in (in recent years, oyster eggs, DTs, fish roe. Borneman and Calfo both list similar mixes in their books.
Here is the "secret" recipe:
Mysis, Krill, Nori, Miso seaweed, milled kale and carrot, few other sea veggies, flying fish roe, oyster eggs, spray dried phyto, Formula 1 and 2, angel formula, silvesides, DTs, Spectrum pellets (micro), cyclopleeze, squid, clam, local daphnia when in season, vitamin C, iodine, selcon and enough RO water to make it wet enought to freeze in flats.
Dont underestimate good water conditions and can do crazy stuff to corals that looked brown in the store IME.
I think xanthin (lots of zoos use the supplement to color up their scarlet ibis and flamingos) is my next addition though the stuff is super pricey.