Melanurus Wrasse For the Win!


New member
I was going to put this in the advanced forum but I'll stay modest.

I am extremely OCD and cautious about what goes in my tank therefore I religiously quarantine/dip NOTHING as it enters my tank. This has created all sorts of fun and exciting side-roads during this fascinating hobby (Sink or Swim Baby). The latest of these exciting off-road adventures led me to discover a very nice population of the ever illusive yet coveted rusty looking flatworm.
Seeing how these little guys would not relent- and continued to play the selfish smug role of "gangsta gangsta" I decided enough was enough. After some research I purchased some Flatworm Exit because I heard it was quite the dangerous thing to do. Once I received it in the mail I opened the box, read the instructions, and then I just couldn't do it. I wouldnt be able to live with myself knowing that I was essentially waging chemical warfare in my docile and peaceful marine magic-fairy-place.

I booked it to the aquarium store and purchased a Six-Line Wrasse. WOW was he beautiful! My favorite fish so far!

ya, so he disappeared in 2 days- never to be seen again....sigh :eek1:

I then purchased a Melanurus Wrasse- this dude is the freakin terminator of energizer bunnies. He does not stop picking off the "gangsta gangsta's" for one second.

:uzi::uzi: :bounce2:

He has waged an indignant and ruthless militaristic campaign on these guys and I am concerned that once the flatworms die off he will go all AWOL and end up destroying be it.

Moral of the story: DO not wage chemical warfare before trying out at least one special commando.

Melanurusususus the Wrasse has earned his keep, the gangsta gangstas are gone (visibly at least) and I now have a fish on a mission and with a purpose.


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I love my melanurus. Once he kills all the flatworms he'll be fine. Mine never nips at coral or inverts. He goes nuts for any food I put in, including nori. Always swimming, never shy.
How ironic because I just got an outbreak of flatworms, I was a renegade and didn't dip my new zoa rock, and was advised to get a Melanurus Wrasse. Sounds like that will be my direction rather fragments FWE, plus I've been wanting a new fish.
I love my melanurus. Once he kills all the flatworms he'll be fine. Mine never nips at coral or inverts. He goes nuts for any food I put in, including nori. Always swimming, never shy.

excellent news, I really like this guy and would hate to have to take him back
Love my melanurus. So bold. Always hunting and I never ever have pest problems. I attribute that to him, never even seen a flatworm in this tank. I have seen him carrying around a hermit before but he can do whatever he wants, I love him too much to get rid of him.
Love my melanurus. So bold. Always hunting and I never ever have pest problems. I attribute that to him, never even seen a flatworm in this tank. I have seen him carrying around a hermit before but he can do whatever he wants, I love him too much to get rid of him.

Mine doesnt appear as colorful as others I have seen in pics. Will they change colors as they mature or is mine simply not colorful?
It's possible, and I've only owned her/him for 5 days. Came from the aquarium store looking dull.
I would highly suggest that you add a quality pellet food to their diet so there is some variation and balance to their diet. I use and recommend NLS pellets and they're arguably the best pellets for marine fish. The vitamins in the mix help to promote better coloration in marine fish. I've also not seen many fish that don't want to eat them. This would also cut down on your mysis expense. I feed mysis, frozen mix and NLS pellets. There are other quality pellets on the market but from what I've seen and read from others is that NLS is the #1 pellet used.

And yes of course your fish could be a female, but in the end they all turn male if no male is present.
just an idea... perhaps your melanurus is a female which i read don't seem to color up as much.

Female +1

I also love my melanurus. Bold, energetic, active, super colorful. However, can be a bully. Cannot tolerate any other wrasses in the tank.
Female +1

I also love my melanurus. Bold, energetic, active, super colorful. However, can be a bully. Cannot tolerate any other wrasses in the tank.

This must be the case because mine looks nothing like the colorful samples I've seen elsewhere.

Assuming that mine will turn into a male this would also mean mine will eventually inherit the male traits such as the colors?
Depending on what other fish you have I would suggest getting the 1mm pellets as most fish can eat that size easily.

I use to have a Hector's goby (disappeared one day never to be seen again :( ) That only ate NLS pellets other than his sand sifting. He wouldn't eat mysis or the frozen mix but loved the NLS pellets.
Mine did the same - wipe out the flatworm population. I haven't seen a single one since I put him in my 160g tank. Now he just eats the ReefFrenzy frozen food I add once a day. Plus it's beautiful, hasn't bothered a single other fish or coral, and is always swimming in the front. My favorite fish by far - glad to hear about your success!