membership question?

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New member
after watching that video of the frag swap you guys had i was sooo mad i didn't go because it looked really nice! many of you may know me from manhattan reefs as anthony.luciano710 and also may know i was permanently banned for no reason at all. but lets not talk about that now. im really starting to stock my tank up with coral now and stuff and this seems to be my "local reef club" i know i asked this like last month here but i forgot where and what the answer was. but what does a membership do besides swaps? also i see that its $15 for a collage student for a membership, would that apply for a high school student too? im really going to try to join but not right away i have so much stuff on my mind right now. Thanks
Hey AJ.. WELCOME and I'm sorry to hear you were banned. I recall your handle.
We also have 3 members whom are from the BX who have joined. They are also from that on-line forum. So maybe sometime in the future when your ready to check out a General Meeting you can possibly hitch a ride. Just give me or DrHarryLopez a shout before hand so we can make arrangements with your fellow BX reefers when they come down.
We would be more than happy to have you attend under one condition.... You bring a smile to the meeting!!

Some of the perks of becoming a paid member are:
Attendence to ALL our events... BBQ's, Tank Tours, Party Bus, Monthly General Meetings, True Frag Swaps- no money involved, Group Discounts from various sponsors, Below cost quality frags= sps, lps softies. Food, drinks... etc etc at general meetings.
Alot more than what other on-line forums and some clubs have to offer. Plus you gain knowledge and DIY skills from others from beginner to advanced levels. All this, just for becomming a member.

Your more than welcome to come check out a General Meeting, then if you like... you can join. You are not under any obligation this is a stress free club.

Priorities 1st my friend... take your time, do things right and you'll be ok.
Remember you can always post questions here!!

GL to you!!
ok thanks so much. i was looking and im thinking of starting a membership in january so the beginning of next year because i looked at the schedule and i don't think i can make any of the meeting for the rest of the year so ill just start out at the beginning of 2012.
Hey AJ.. WELCOME and I'm sorry to hear you were banned. I recall your handle.
We also have 3 members whom are from the BX who have joined. They are also from that on-line forum. So maybe sometime in the future when your ready to check out a General Meeting you can possibly hitch a ride. Just give me or DrHarryLopez a shout before hand so we can make arrangements with your fellow BX reefers when they come down.
We would be more than happy to have you attend under one condition.... You bring a smile to the meeting!!

Some of the perks of becoming a paid member are:
Attendence to ALL our events... BBQ's, Tank Tours, Party Bus, Monthly General Meetings, True Frag Swaps- no money involved, Group Discounts from various sponsors, Below cost quality frags= sps, lps softies. Food, drinks... etc etc at general meetings.
Alot more than what other on-line forums and some clubs have to offer. Plus you gain knowledge and DIY skills from others from beginner to advanced levels. All this, just for becomming a member.

Your more than welcome to come check out a General Meeting, then if you like... you can join. You are not under any obligation this is a stress free club.

Priorities 1st my friend... take your time, do things right and you'll be ok.
Remember you can always post questions here!!

GL to you!!
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