Mesurement Data Issue


In Memoriam
I am using ver 4.00 of the firmware and control software.

When I "Read & Save" the measurement Data from the controller to the PC it comes down fine The First Time.


If I try to pull the data again (or at a later time) the original data will not pull again.

It is in memory on the ProfiLux but useless as you cannot access it a second time.

What I have to do now is save the data then clear the data on the controller.

Then when I read the controller the next time I have to append the data to the old data file get a history.

So even though the controller will hold up to 600 points of data
it will only let you pull back to the last time the data was pulled.

Is there a fix for this?

Thank you
The meaurement data logging software is still in working progress, future releases will have a more comprehensive logger.

Matthias can give you more info on what is currently available as I have not had a chance to play with the latest release yet
I've just saved the data, and the software will not let me clear it. The "clear" button is grayed out and still show the data -- green dotted bar. I'm using 4.01. I usually clear it and upload the data to Exel to keep a running record.

This may be a bug in the software.
This is not an "issue", actually it works exactly as it was planned.

You must differ between "stored data" and "new data".
ProfiLux will always store new samples. If more then 600 values are stored the oldest value will be overwritten.

When you load measurement data from ProfiLux to PC the loaded samples will be marked as "are read". In this way we avoid that the same data is loaded twice. If the measurement data was loaded you can't clear them, because they are already "cleared".

Where are the problems now?

Just load the data, append them to the old file - done. Everything else manages Profiux and ProfiLuxControl.
How do you access the old "stored data"?

If you cannot access it once it has ben read then it should auto clear.

To work as it is now there should also be a "Append to file" function.
Matthias: Both the clear and read/save buttons were grayed out, but the data was not cleared. It was saved however. When I restarted, the buttons were okay and I cleared the old data.

No problems

Harry, just read the data into a file on your PC "DATA" and keep appending data to it and you can access it through Profilux or read it inot a Excel spreadsheet and manipulate it however you would like.