Metal Halide bulb preferences?

i've tried 6.5K, 10K, 13K, 14K, & 20K over the years. I've always come back to ReefLux 10K for growth, color, and visual appeal.

I think bulb preference is a Ford/Chevrolet issue. You can't depend of people's recommendation. You need to just try them for yourself and see what you like.
When I set up my 30g I tranded a pump for some Metal Halide bulbs. One of them was an AquaMaxx 14k (175w). I ended up using it as I really like the color...not too blue...not too white.......Goldylocks would like it.:inlove:.

They are less expensive than XM, AB, Hamilton, etc. as well.:thumbsup:
Hey Jay,After getting other reefers input I went with pulserite bulbs, alot of them have used them for several years.I got 2 250 watt 20k bulbs for $48.00 shipped.Many have had good coral growth with their bulbs.
I have not tried the PulseRite bulbs but am tempted. For several years now I've used Hamilton 14000K bulbs... very nice color.
"OOOOoooooh!! Good INPUT Stephanie!"

I currently use the 250 watt, 14K Aquamaxx and I couldn't be happier with the appearance. I have tried the 10K Ushio and it seemed to be almost yellow in color, and it really accelerated my algae growth.

I have some 250 watt, single end bulbs that you can try. There are about 8 or 9 different bulbs. Give me a call and you can come get them.
Sweet Tim. Lemme see if I'll need to do that. I really think I'm leaning towards the 14-15,000k temp range, but I'll let you know mate. Thanks!