Metal Stands

Hey guys i have been given another choice for stands now. A metal stand is now an option. ive seen people do something called Powder coating it but can that be purchased at home depot? Can it be done with a paintbrush or something. If its sold are local store can you link me to product name and picture. Also how many coats are required?

Powder coating *can* be done at home, but in all likely hood, it would be cheaper to have it done. (sprayer, coating, UV heat light, etc).

It basically involves spraying a plastic based powder on the metal that is electrically charged, then baking it on.

in SO CAL, I would suspect there are a half dozen or more places that will do it for you and they can do any color you can imagine, and more. Just check the yellow pages. The stuff is near indestructable. I would be suprised if a stand for a 180 gallon tank (I'm assuming that is the tank in question) would cost you more than $50.

Addmittedly most of my experience is with freshwater, but with on exception all of my stands are home made and steel, and all I have used is rustolium 'industrial' that comes in a quart or gallon from home depot. the stand on my 180 gallon Oscar tank (its been alot of things) is still nice after almost 10 years.

As a side note, I also used it to paint my off road 4x4, and 3 years with minor touch ups, it still looks great (minor touch ups involve hitting trees and rolling in to rocks)
Yes powdercoating will run you at least $150 for a stand unless you have a friend. Not to mention the price of buying a steel stand unless you can build your own like a lot of the guys on here. I think i was quoted $600 and that was for a 72x24x24, and he was giving me a discount, lots of labor involved.