I have mine over a brace, but it's only been a week so I don't know if long term damage to the brace will result. I do have a 4" fan in the end of the canopy for disperse heat, I'm worried about the long term affects UV will have on the brace.
I can tell you that it does indeed cast a shadow. With the "glitter" lines you get from MH it's not very noticable, but you can see it. Where it shows the most is on the rear glass, near the top.
If you're going with an AGA 75 you should have room to mount the MH's perpendicular to the length. Each MH spans about 2ft & would be perfect for a 4' tank. I have mine @ 6" on a 36" tank it even the corners get plenty of light. MH can make a 2ft spread easily. You might have to trim the end's of any reflector you buy if you wanted to squeeze in a couple of VHO actinics, but it's very do-able & you'd avoid any shadow. The MH sockets & bulb are only about 9" or 10" long w/o a reflector.
If you're going with 3 bulbs you might want to consider upping the wattage & going with fewer bulbs.
Just my .02
Edit: Forgot to add, if you want to see what the shadow looks like just post a note over @ WAMAS, I live in Wdbridge & that's not too far from you.