While mixing, I started working on the new rock structure using the resin rocks. I honestly hate when threads send too many posts and photos on potential rock arrangements, so I only post a couple of these because these rocks are a different thing than most people have ever used.
They are resin, painted on the outside, and look very realistic. They are also hollow in places with strategically placed holes to let the air out. One of the four I got required a couple of extra holes to get it to sink
They are drill-able, but you must be very gentle with pressure or the bit can bite into the plastic and chip a chunk off.
I lined up the rocks and found a good arrangement and then drilled matching holes where they touched. I then pushed a rod of HDPE into the holes to form a flexible connection.:
Once all connected, I came up with this structure:
I plan on making three structures like this one(different shapes, of course). I got some marine epoxy and epoxied the rocks together at the connection points and the whole thing is very solid and looks good. I started moving corals over to the new tank and began gluing select corals to the plastic rock.
Sorry that the picture is so blue. I was able to attach a good chunk of the best Acros to the rock structure, and the corals seemed to be very happy in their new home: