Hi guys! It's been a while since I posted but I keep my eyes on all your threads

It's been nuts at work and up until a few weeks ago the wife was looking for a job, so between zero money and very little time the tank was on autopilot. Still, some interesting events/info about this mode of the tank were noted.
First, I had been using chaeto in a fuge as well as a reactor along with GFO and carbon in a media reactor. Phosphate dropped and stabilized at less than 0.05ppm and held there for months. I just let the media reactor go, and when about 3+ months had passed, with phosphate holding steady at less than 0.05ppm, I finally cleaned it out. There were all kinds of organisms and sponge grown through the reactor. I figured the GFO had long been exhausted.
About two weeks after removal, I tested phosphate and it had risen to 0.15! I thought it might be a fluke reading, and was too busy to care, all the corals looked good if a little slow in the growth department. Several more weeks passed, Then this week I saw the birdsnests tips thickening and not growing with the needle sharp tips they used to have. Coral growth had slowed to a crawl. A phosphate test showed 0.44ppm:eek2:
More Phosphate minus will arrive tomorrow:thumbsup:
Chaeto growth went nuts with the higher phosphate, I just wish the chaeto could take more phosphate up. I do not have enough chaeto growth area for the size of the system to do it all without GFO help.
I have been dosing Zinc and Manganese and continue to do so daily. I was dosing Boron daily but I think I over-did it as Reds became very intense then other corals started to take on reddish hues where they never had before. I'll re-start dosing if the chaeto shows brittleness, maybe I'll even get a test kit now that we have two incomes again.:hmm2:
I dose strontium from Seachem and FM colors Blue/purple weekly, feed the fish, and clean the glass every 4th day or so. It's weird how no algae or cyano is present in the SPS reef, I mean it is clean as can be. A little cyano is present in the flubber tank, mainly on the sand.
So far this tank is going on 8 months with no significant water change, I have replaced a few gallons here and there when siphoning out detritus, but nothing other than that.
I had one screw-up when the CO2 cylinder ran out and the alkalinity dropped to just over 4.5, I lost parts of one coral colony but otherwise nothing died. I have an infestation of Aiptasia but a Copperband Butterfly has been brought in to help. It's just about time to replace bulbs as well.
Well, I think that is about it for catching up

See you all in your threads!
FTS from last night: