Miami Beach Senior High School Reef Tank


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I have a pretty good relationship with my biology teacher so I donated an old chinese led to start a 40 breeder Caribbean reef. He has a brand new 5 stage RODI unit that we will use but I have a couple questions.

1. It comes with some weird pipe pierce thing. Are these ok to use? Does anyone have any tips for installing this?
2. Do I have to worry about chloramines????

More questions-
I'd like to keep this tank local. Does anyone know of any shallow areas by Miami Beach where I can collect some anthelia, gorgonians, macros, etc. Can sand from the reef be collected?

I'm not good at netting reef fish so if anyone with some special dive talents is feeling generous and would like to donate some wrasses or neon gobies or other fish of the sort that would be immensely appreciated (there is a special place in my heart for the juvenile blue tang).

Same goes for any other donations of fish food, gfo, carbon, hell maybe even an old hob skimmer. As of right now we will be using a koralia for flow and a hob filter for whatever media we can scrounge up.

Thanks in advance for any help.

The first reef line is about a 400 yard swim from the beach along much of the area. Depths run about 15 feet. So doable by snorkel. If you dive, that would make collecting much easier, especially for catching fish. Best thing for tangs is to use a fence net and heard them into it.
Bill- the teacher runs the scuba club at the high schools and I am certified. Ill talk to him about organizing a collection trip once the tank is set up
Talk to me at MACNA. I've got a bit of experience with collecting and an FWC educational collecting permit ;)
yeah. Its actually gonna work out well because I'm gonna do it as my IB cas project. Ill have a big poster explaining how the way we treat the environment is killing off our stonies you know that whole deal. Thanks for the help bill
small update:
Big thank you to Matt Schmidt for providing a beast of a reef octopus bh 2000 HOB skimmer. Also coming to school with me tomorrow is a timer for the led unit, a spray bottle to mist the red mangroves that will be grown, a cartridge of catalytic carbon to replace the 2nd carbon block in my teachers rodi unit (to deal with the chloramines on Miami Beach), and of course some rope to help me get creative with hanging the led unit from the soft pannelled ceiling in the classroom.

I have some rock but its not a lot and its not the nicest. If anyone has some rock to donate that would be greatly appreciated. Also looking for some sand as well. Anything is appreciated: old utility pumps, powerheads, native caribbean livestock, anything that can be used. Thanks again guys
hung the LED and cleaned out the tank. bio teacher said theres a small leak so installing some silicon along all the seams to seal it up. Planning on installing the rodi unit tomorrow and after the silicon cures i will begin filling and cycling